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Re: Lackluster Challenger

Thanks for the free advertisement. I am funding my own campaign. I loaned the campaign $10,000. Didn't want any endorcements, that why I will not belong to anybody, but the voters. How can one beat all the PAC's, Unions, Big Business Fund Raisers, etc. So I took a different approach no contributions, no endorcements.

Flood the houses with mailers, signs etc. The fact is "Have you Had Enough", I sure have, that is why I am running. Business/builders/special interest groups own the County of Riverside. Now ask me why the County is $71 Million short in balancing their budget. And please God forbid don't blame it on the economy. It was stupid decisions, buying buildings, paying for cost over runs on building we couldn't afford in the first place. Is the next four years secure for John, Las Vegas would give you 100 to 1 odds I am sure. In this political climate anybody that is seats as a politican is in deep trouble. Ask the people that vote. But, thanks for the encouragement. Seems people have been telling me all my life that you cannot win, cannot beat city hall, cannot beat John, so far I have did all those things but the last one.

Herb Higgins

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